NewsBatch was begun in the hope that citizens will begin to more fully understand the issues which confront their nationally elected leaders and make more informed choices at the ballot box. Unfortunately many newspaper and television stories cannot be fully understood without an understanding of policy. NewsBatch attempts to fill this gap by summarizing key policy topics and illustrating this information with easy to read charts and maps. The links to the charts and maps are inserted into the text so the reader can choose whether to have the concept visually illustrated. Wherever possible, references are made to key Congressional votes on these topics and to how these problems are dealt with in other countries. NewsBatch is a project developed by Patrick Coony, an attorney who is employed as an Administrative Law Judge in California. The information in NewsBatch has been obtained from a variety of news and research materials on the web, including many government statistical sources. These sources are identified on the charts and maps. In order to reach its goal of providing full encyclopedic coverage of all public policy matters, Newsbatch is interested in affiliating with an educational institution or attracting other sources of nonprofit funding. Such a development would provide research opportunities for students and would help attract funding for this worthy project. If you are able to assist Newsbatch with this effort, please contact the editor. Newsbatch welcomes all feedback. Simply address an email to "editor" at "".